
1 Winter is for the birds. Keep your flock happy with this squirrel-resistant feeder. Absolute II Bird Feeder from Duncraft, $90.
2 Reusable metal straws with color coded silicon ends and a cleaning brush. Kleen Kanten straws, Target, $10.
3 Socks for those with science deep within their ‘soles’. Set of 5 pairs science socks, Ties.com, $55.
4 Easily the most beautiful book you can give or keep for yourself this holiday. Author & photographer Paul Nicklen captures the awe and magic of our polar regions. $125-3,000 at PaulNicklen.com
5 Science. It’s like magic but real. Available on tees, sweatshirts and even onesies from Etsy.
6 Tea is the new frontier. Make a splashdown while making tea with this infuser. $8 from ThinkGeek.com
7 Adopt a seal-of-the-month or support other work of The Marine Mammal Center to rehabilitate and release injured marine mammals along the California coastline.