Video content rules, generating much higher levels of engagement than static content. Our clients know this, which is why Green Fin’s video studio has been especially busy lately. This month alone we’ve produced 13 videos with clients – that might be a new record!

We always start video planning with a discussion of goals and desired outcomes: how do you want people to feel when watching the video, what are the key messages to include, and what is the call to action (e.g., visit a website for more information, call your local representative about the issue, share what you learned with your friends and neighbors…)

Once we have the key messages and goals, we develop a script or interview questions, depending on the style of video. For many clients, we find the interview-style format works particularly well. Regardless of the format, we work with our clients and interviewees so that the end result is genuine and engaging.

Watch the library of videos below to see what we’ve been up to and try to spot our video best practices in action!

Piedmont Environmental Council – Albemarle Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Videos

See the full suite of new communication materials on PEC’s website


Chesapeake Research Consortium – 50th Anniversary

Who doesn’t love a good origin story? Hear how and why CRC formed five decades ago and where they’re headed in this short video.