As someone who barely passed Chemistry, science is hard. Hard to learn, hard to do, and most of all, hard to explain. 

But science is important. Now more than ever, considering that mRNA vaccines potentially saved millions of lives. While the importance of scientific research may be pretty obvious, the importance of science communication is not immediately apparent. But without good science communication, the millions of dollars spent on research might be for naught. Without further ado, here are 3 reasons good science communication matters:

1. People without a science education deserve to reap the benefits of science too

a stack of books2018 U.S. census data shows that 1 out of 10 Americans did not graduate high school, and around 2 out of 3 Americans do not have a college degree. Everyone deserves to understand the latest developments in science, regardless of their formal education level. Once you start using jargon and academic language, you’ve lost the average person. Good science communication can use simple language, interactive media, and real-world examples to make complex subjects more accessible.

2. Combatting dangerous misinformation

a lamb in front of a chalkboard with "2+2=5"While any type of misinformation is bad, scientific misinformation could be life threatening. Not understanding the science behind vaccines, for example, could lead to dangerous health outcomes. Engaging in high-quality science communication is the best way to actively counter misinformation and bad science.

3. Encouraging the next generation of scientists

a child playing with a scientific beaker setSaying that kids these days have the attention span of a goldfish would be insulting to goldfish. In order to raise the next generation of scientists, we have to make science cool, fun, and easy. Nobody has ever gotten excited about something just from reading a textbook or journal article (well, *almost* nobody). 

Science communication is the last step in the long process of scientific exploration, and therefore easily overlooked or rushed. Still, we here at Green Fin Studio believe that it’s not only *an* important step, but the most important!